Designing a logo for swimming club website with interactive qualities for children.
The client required a logo for a swimming club using a specific hex code. The brief required a clean look with interactive qualities appropriate for a younger audience that would match the business.

Through research, it was determined that using a visual of a swimmer required too much detail that would be lost when viewed online. The conclusion was to use the image of goggles as it is instantly recognisable for all audiences and immediately summarised the company. The client required the logo as soon as possible which gave a short time frame in which to complete the logo. This proved difficult at times during the initial research as the balance between too much or too little detail in the logo was hard to find with the transition to it online, especially due to the animated features.
The solution was to use a simpler logo for the webpage, and develop a flash page where the googles were shrouded by bubbles, providing the interactive element. This worked well as it was used to show the next internet page was loading and maintained the attention of the viewer, particularly younger audiences while they logged in with parents to book their sessions and printing certificates. Hex codes were provided for the design. The client wanted a clean, business appropriate logo that included interactive qualities to appeal to children ages 3 and above.
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